Let's take a look at a few things you should know before considering keeping a hedgehog as a pet.
Hedgehog's entire back is covered with sharp spines. They can use these spines as a defensive weapon. So, its better to use gloves while handling a nervous hedgehog.
Hedgehogs sleep in the daytime. In general, they are awake at night, which protects them from predators and allows them to hunt for food.
This schedule is also observed in domesticated Hedgehogs. During the day, they sleep most of the time and spend the night running around in their home.
When upset, they also make clicking or hissing noises and purring noises when they are happy. Their vocal range is much louder than that of many pet animals.
Most hedgehogs do start fearful of their owners and humans in general. Hedgehogs need to be socialized and handled to relax. You can make them a reasonably loving pet if you have patience.