If you want to care for your pet goldfish properly, make sure you have a rough understanding of their environment requirements, and dietary needs. Here are the few key points that you should follow:
You could keep your goldfish in a glass bowl or even part of an old aquarium, but these are not suitable for long-term care.
Goldfish are very sociable animals who need company and enough space to move around. You will want to get them a tank with enough room to swim around without bumping into the walls.
A tank at least 1-2 feet long is recommended, but you can go all out if you like and get a large aquarium.
It is unlikely that goldfish will eat Anubias, Moneyworts, and Java Ferns. It is attracted to plants like Duckweed, and Salvinia.
The goldfish needs light at least for a few hours every day. The best way to obtain natural lighting is to place your aquarium near the window, but avoid placing it in direct sunlight.
A filtration system collects large particles floating in the water, like waste particles and uneaten food. Still, it also encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria.